A journey of photographic adventure, Two Views was born by two friends having a blast and learning from each other on a photo shoot in the autumn sunshine, asking the question “How can we continue to push our photographic boundaries in terms of technical knowledge, new challenges and creativity and have fun at the same time?” The answer we came up with was to set ourselves a project every two weeks, and then publish the results together. Two Views of the same subject / idea or technical approach. By the end of this year we will have covered 26 subjects and produced at least 50+ awesome photographs, and have learned a huge amount along the way! We’d love your comments, critiques and ideas, and if you want to “play along” too, please do let us have your shots by links in the comments sections! TJ & The Brunette

Monday, 26 March 2012

People by The Blonde

People was a GREAT topic (Thanks TJ!) Because it had such a wide remit. I initially thought I would go to somewhere crowded and take a scene shot with people hurrying about, or maybe some street photography of strangers. But as "luck"would have it, I was stuck by the roadside for 6 hours waiting for a rescue pick up with my fiancé after our car broke down and it gave me time to think through the subject. And at the same time I spent alot of time looking at him in 6 hours! What I realised is that you can tell alot about a person from the details of them. That a revealing portrait doesn't have to be of a whole person to show who they are, and the smallest part can sometimes represent the whole. So I focused on the hands and how they can be both gentle and expressive and yet also strong and protective. His hands were oily after having been in the engine bay, and so portray to me strength, reliability and skill. Yet the way he is cupping and holding the apple, is so gentle and elegant. I tried a few shots (below) in different poses and places and in colour and B&W, for me the B&W focuses the composition on the details of the textures and the hands the best. I Iike the juxtaposition of the two emotional responses I have to the photograph (gentleness and strength) and for me they are uniquely my fiancé's hands, and so expressive of him, and I am surprised to discover that the detail is so representative of the whole of him and his personality.

1 comment:

  1. A great photo, and yes it's amazing how the hands can say so much about someone and convey a whole range of emotions across to the viewer. I love black & white effect, especially the use of brightness and contrast and lighting. Well done The Blonde!
