A journey of photographic adventure, Two Views was born by two friends having a blast and learning from each other on a photo shoot in the autumn sunshine, asking the question “How can we continue to push our photographic boundaries in terms of technical knowledge, new challenges and creativity and have fun at the same time?” The answer we came up with was to set ourselves a project every two weeks, and then publish the results together. Two Views of the same subject / idea or technical approach. By the end of this year we will have covered 26 subjects and produced at least 50+ awesome photographs, and have learned a huge amount along the way! We’d love your comments, critiques and ideas, and if you want to “play along” too, please do let us have your shots by links in the comments sections! TJ & The Brunette

Thursday, 29 November 2012

Autumn by The Brunette

I was lucky enough to be on honeymoon in Poland for what is known as the Golden Polish Autumn.... you can see why! I couldn't believe my eyes at the depth and variety of colour, I wanted to roll down these wooded slopes - they looked like soft down!! It was hard to choose my favourite, as you can see from the filmstrip below, but in the end I went for one that was ALL about the colour with no other distractions. Edit wise, they are pretty much as taken, with just a touch of boost on the saturation dial!

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful set of pictures and brilliant to see a foreign autumnal scene with its subtle differences to those we have at home. Beautiful golden colours absolutely love it :)
